prints to the contest paricipants are all nicely packaged and will be sent tomorrow :) be sure to look out for a manillia envelope from art of hobo in your mail box :D prints are signed and dated on the back :) Thank you so so so so much for your patience. I have the worst luck in the world sometimes. I also have a sketch done for a new art piece. tomorrow I may ink it.
I'm all too patient, I fear, but having a print from you will be so epic! Hope I have a nice frame somewhere to accommodate it. I'm over 25, so the days of putting things up with blu-tak and scotch tape, are over.
the print is 5x7 but there is some space to trim it so you shouldn't have an issue with finding one :) I hope they do not take too long to get their. I sent them today. I would love to see a picture of it in a frame :) it would be nice to put on my fb page. thank you soo much for your support <3