I live in Canada. I draw stuff. I like anime, cartoons and comics. I am your basic nerd I guess. video games are cool too. Like what I do? I take requests. any donations for support is always welcomed :D

Seanah @Clueless-queen

Age 39, Female


montreal, Canada

Joined on 7/22/06

Exp Points:
1,421 / 1,600
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5.39 votes
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> 100,000
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arts have been made

Posted by Clueless-queen - May 22nd, 2015

I have been drawing again. Im gonna transfer them to my computer and color them in. They are not anything spectacular but it gives me hope that I havent lost my love to draw and create.  I also got a new job which I start tomorrow. another kitchen job :)


Hey, how are you?! I've been busy dismantling and storing and dealing with 80 years of accumulated farm stuff the past few months, finally a day or two away from leaving it all behind :(

been busy working in a new restaurant actually :)

I remember your last gig, do you need to speak French at your current restaurant? Nicer place?

Ugh, I'm still living without a fixed residence, and am waiting for a lease to be drawn up, so I can move back into my old place for a few months :\ I'm a small guy and the others don't have time to get things straight.... when there's paying gigs taking up their time

sorry for the late reply my job has been keeping me busy and my fiance is ill. The new job is awesome. I dont need french in fact, all the kitchen staff are anglophones like me XD and no one seems bothered by it. they are super nice.

getting back into art is a struggle for me still...I am planning on lowering my depression/anxiety meds to see if that helps my creativity.

I hope you find a new home soon!

Sorry to hear to your fiance's ill, is he getting any better?

we have no idea whats going on. his stomach is really bothering him. the doctors kinda keep throwing us around...hopefully the ct scan will show whats wrong

Hope it's just a simple bacteria problem that can be cured quickly. I know there's a bug my Ma and I had from drinking Canadian liquor, but it was cured with either Prevacid or the other tummy pill... that was a while ago. How's his stress level, really hope it's not an ulcer :(